Zachary DeVito, Michael Mara, Michael Zollhöfer, Gilbert Bernstein, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Christian Theobalt, Pat Hanrahan, Matthew Fisher, Matthias Nießner
Many graphics and vision problems are naturally expressed as optimizations with either linear or non-linear least squares objective functions over visual data, such as images and meshes. The mathematical descriptions of these functions are extremely concise, but their implementation in real code is tedious, especially when optimized for real-time performance in interactive applications.
Opt is a new language in which a user simply writes energy functions over image- or graph-structured unknowns, and a compiler automatically generates state-of-the-art GPU optimization kernels. The end result is a system in which real-world energy functions in graphics and vision applications are expressible in tens of lines of code. They compile directly into highly optimized GPU solver implementations with performance competitive with the best published hand-tuned, application-specific GPU solvers, and 1–2 orders of magnitude beyond a general-purpose auto-generated solver.
Opt was presented at SIGGRAPH 2018. The talk itself was not recorded, but the Fast Forward was:
Slides for the presentation are a good introduction to Opt and are available:
Please refer to the publication when you are using Opt:
ACM Link,arXiv Link (bibtex)
We have recently released an early version of the code on Github.
For more information, contact:
- mmara at cs dot stanford dot edu
- zdevito at cs dot stanford dot edu
- niessner at cs dot stanford dot edu
or use the github issue tracker.
Example Problems
ARAP Image Warping
local W,H = Dim("W",0), Dim("H",1)
local Offsets = Unknown("Offsets", float2,{W,H},0) -- u,v,angle
local Angle = Unknown("Angle",float,{W,H},0)
local UrShape = Array("UrShape", float2,{W,H},1) --original mesh position
local Constraints = Array("Constraints", float2,{W,H},2)
local Mask = Array2D("Mask", float, W,H,3) -- validity mask for mesh
local w_fitSqrt = Param("w_fitSqrt", float, 0)
local w_regSqrt = Param("w_regSqrt", float, 1)
for x,y in Stencil { {1,0}, {-1,0}, {0,1}, {0, -1} } do
local e_reg = w_regSqrt*((Offsets(0,0) - Offsets(x,y))
- Rotate2D(Angle(0,0),(UrShape(0,0) - UrShape(x,y))))
local valid = eq(Mask(x,y),0)
local e_fit = w_fitSqrt*(Offsets(0,0)- Constraints(0,0))
local valid = All(greatereq(Constraints(0,0),0))
Energy(Select(valid, e_fit , 0.0))
ARAP Mesh Deformation
local N = Dim("N",0)
local Offset = Unknown("X", float6,{N},0), <- unknown
local Angle = Unknown("Angle",float3, {N},1)
local UrShape = Array("UrShape", float3,{N},2) --original pos:
local Constraints = Array("Constraints", float3,{N},3) --user constraints
local G = Graph("G", 4,
"v0", {N}, 5,
"v1", {N}, 6)
local w_fitSqrt = Param("w_fitSqrt", float, 7)
local w_regSqrt = Param("w_regSqrt", float, 8)
local e_fit = Offset(0,0) - Constraints(0,0)
local valid = greatereq(Constraints(0,0,0), -999999.9)
local ARAPCost = (Offset(G.v0) - Offset(G.v1))
- Rotate3D(Angle(G.v0),UrShape(G.v0) - UrShape(G.v1))
Shape From Shading
local W,H = Dim("W",0), Dim("H",1)
local X = Array("X",float, {W,H},0) -- Refined Depth
local D_i = Array("D_i",float, {W,H},1) -- Depth input
local Im = Array("Im",float, {W,H},2) -- Target Intensity
local edgeMaskR = Array("edgeMaskR",uint8, {W,H},4) -- Edge mask.
local edgeMaskC = Array("edgeMaskC",uint8, {W,H},5) -- Edge mask.
local w_p = sqrt(Param("w_p",float,0))-- Fitting weight
local w_s = sqrt(Param("w_s",float,1))-- Regularization weight
local w_g = sqrt(Param("w_g",float,3))-- Shading weight
local f_x = Param("f_x",float,7)
local f_y = Param("f_y",float,8)
local u_x = Param("u_x",float,9)
local u_y = Param("u_y",float,10)
local offset = 26;
local L = {}
for i=1,9 do -- lighting model parameters
L[i] = Param("L_" .. i .. "",float,offset+i)
local posX,posY = W:index(),H:index()
-- equation 8
function p(offX,offY)
local d = X(offX,offY)
local i = offX + posX
local j = offY + posY
return Vector(((i-u_x)/f_x)*d, ((j-u_y)/f_y)*d, d)
-- equation 10
function normalAt(offX, offY)
local i = offX + posX -- good
local j = offY + posY -- good
local n_x = X(offX, offY - 1) * (X(offX, offY) - X(offX - 1, offY)) / f_y
local n_y = X(offX - 1, offY) * (X(offX, offY) - X(offX, offY - 1)) / f_x
local n_z = (n_x * (u_x - i) / f_x) + (n_y * (u_y - j) / f_y) - (X(offX-1, offY)*X(offX, offY-1) / (f_x*f_y))
local sqLength = n_x*n_x + n_y*n_y + n_z*n_z
local inverseMagnitude = Select(greater(sqLength, 0.0), 1.0/sqrt(sqLength), 1.0)
return inverseMagnitude * Vector(n_x, n_y, n_z)
function B(offX, offY)
local normal = normalAt(offX, offY)
local n_x = normal[0]
local n_y = normal[1]
local n_z = normal[2]
return L[1] +
L[2]*n_y + L[3]*n_z + L[4]*n_x +
L[5]*n_x*n_y + L[6]*n_y*n_z + L[7]*(-n_x*n_x - n_y*n_y + 2*n_z*n_z) + L[8]*n_z*n_x + L[9]*(n_x*n_x-n_y*n_y)
function I(offX, offY)
return Im(offX,offY)*0.5 + 0.25*(Im(offX-1,offY)+Im(offX,offY-1))
local function DepthValid(x,y) return greater(D_i(x,y),0) end
local function B_I(x,y)
local bi = B(x,y) - I(x,y)
local valid = And(DepthValid(x-1,y),DepthValid(x,y),DepthValid(x,y-1))
return Select(InBounds(0,0,1)*valid,bi,0)
B_I = ComputedArray("B_I",W,H, B_I(0,0))
-- fitting term
local E_p = X(0,0) - D_i(0,0)
-- shading term
local E_g_h = (B_I(0,0) - B_I(1,0))*edgeMaskR(0,0)
local E_g_v = (B_I(0,0) - B_I(0,1))*edgeMaskC(0,0)
-- regularization term
local function Continuous(x,y) return less(abs(X(0,0) - X(x,y)),DEPTH_DISCONTINUITY_THRE) end
local valid = And(DepthValid(0,0),DepthValid(0,-1),DepthValid(0,1),DepthValid(-1,0),DepthValid(1,0),
valid = eq(ComputedArray(W,H,valid)(0,0),1)
local E_s = 4.0*p(0,0) - (p(-1,0) + p(0,-1) + p(1,0) + p(0,1))
-- do not include unknowns for where the depth is invalid
Poisson Image Editing
local W,H = Dim("W",0), Dim("H",1)
local X = Unknown("X", float4,{W,H},0) -- unknown, initialized to base image
local T = Array("T", float4,{W,H},1) -- inserted image
local M = Array("M", float, {W,H},2) -- mask, excludes parts of base image
-- do not include unmasked pixels in the solve
for x,y in Stencil { {1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1} } do
local e = (X(0,0) - X(x,y)) - (T(0,0) - T(x,y))
Cotangent Mesh Smoothing
local N = Dim("N",0)
local Offset = Unknown("Offset",float3,{N},0)
local RotMatrix = Unknown("RotMatrix",float9,{N},1)
local UrShape = Array("UrShape", float3,{N},2) -- original position
local Constraints = Array("Constraints", float3,{N},3) -- user constraints
local G = Graph("G", 4,
"v0", {N}, 5,
"v1", {N}, 6)
local w_fitSqrt = Param("w_fitSqrt", float, 7)
local w_regSqrt = Param("w_regSqrt", float, 8)
local w_rotSqrt = Param("w_rotSqrt", float, 9)
local e_fit = Offset(0,0) - Constraints(0,0)
local valid = greatereq(Constraints(0,0,0), -999999.9)
Energy(Select(valid, w_fitSqrt*e_fit, 0))
local R = RotMatrix(0,0)
local c0 = Vector(R(0), R(3), R(6))
local c1 = Vector(R(1), R(4), R(7))
local c2 = Vector(R(2), R(5), R(8))
function Matrix3x3Mul(matrix, v)
return Vector(
local regCost = (Offset(G.v1) - Offset(G.v0)) -
Matrix3x3Mul(RotMatrix(G.v0), (UrShape(G.v1) - UrShape(G.v0)))
Embedded Deformation
local N = Dim("N",0)
local X = Array("X", float3,{N},0) -- position
local A = Array("A", float3,{N},1) -- orig position
local G = Graph("G", 0, "v0", {N}, 2, --current vertex
"v1", {N}, 3, --neighboring vertex
"v2", {N}, 4, --prev neighboring vertex
"v3", {N}, 5) --next neighboring vertex
local w_fitSqrt = Param("w_fit", float, 6)
local w_regSqrt = Param("w_reg", float, 7)
function Dot(a,b) return a:dot(b) end
function cot(v0, v1)
local adotb = Dot(v0, v1)
local disc = Dot(v0, v0)*Dot(v1, v1) - adotb*adotb
disc = Select(greater(disc, 0.0), disc, 0.0001)
return Dot(v0, v1) / sqrt(disc)
function normalize(v)
return v / sqrt(Dot(v, v))
function length(v0, v1)
local diff = v0 - v1
return sqrt(Dot(diff, diff))
-- fit energy
Energy(w_fitSqrt*(X(0,0) - A(0,0)))
local a = normalize(X(G.v0) - X(G.v2)) --float3
local b = normalize(X(G.v1) - X(G.v2)) --float3
local c = normalize(X(G.v0) - X(G.v3)) --float3
local d = normalize(X(G.v1) - X(G.v3)) --float3
--cotangent laplacian; Meyer et al. 03
local w = 0.5*(cot(a,b) + cot(c,d))
w = sqrt(Select(greater(w, 0.0), w, 0.0001))
Energy(w_regSqrt*w*(X(G.v1) - X(G.v0)))
Optical Flow
local W,H = Dim("W",0), Dim("H",1)
local X = Array("X", float2,{W,H},0) -- flow vectors
local I = Array("I",float,{W,H},1) -- frame1
local I_hat_im = Array("I_hat",float,{W,H},2) -- frame2, sampled
local I_hat_dx = Array("I_hat_dx",float,{W,H},3) -- partials for frame
local I_hat_dy = Array("I_hat_dy",float,{W,H},4)
-- create a new math operator that samples from the image
local I_hat = SampledImage(I_hat_im,I_hat_dx,I_hat_dy)
local i,j = W:index(),H:index()
local w_fitSqrt = Param("w_fit", float, 5)
local w_regSqrt = Param("w_reg", float, 6)
-- fitting
local e_fit = w_fitSqrt*(I(0,0) - I_hat(i + X(0,0,0),j + X(0,0,1)))
-- regularization
for nx,ny in Stencil { {1,0}, {-1,0}, {0,1}, {0,-1} } do
local e_reg = w_regSqrt*(X(0,0) - X(nx,ny))